麻豆 91 首发|113㎡平庸东说念主的家, 因干净而富庶!
麻豆 91
The spatial color scheme is based on black and white colors, combining the purity of white with the elegance of black to express the charm of minimalism. Daily life unfolds from the layout, with comfort and tranquility, allowing one to feel the surprise of details. Art, fun, and a calm heart weave life stories.
The black and white color scheme in the living room is full of layers, the sofa and side table bring a rounded beauty, and the central coffee table maintains a square attitude. The combination of green plants in the corner and geometric aesthetics creates a warm scene under soft lighting.
The dining room and living room share activity space, and the open posture facilitates better communication among family members. The wooden floor extends deep into the space, and the emerald green marble dining table is luxurious and elegant. This greenery enriches the content of the space and adds a sense of hierarchy.
Residents have certain requirements for bedroom space, so the designer connects two bedrooms to form a large master bedroom layout. The marble elements continue, with black wall finishes and silver accents echoing, and metal elements defining the uniqueness of the space.
The lines of the wooden floor are combined with black and white blocks, and the sunlight is filtered through white gauze, making it softer. The single chair placed by the window is full of vitality, and the scene of combining movement and stillness is easily outlined, enjoying time.
麻豆 91
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